
Summer Sketches

Wobbie Wobbit - 5090 2013

10 Years Ago

Lots can happen in 10 years
And lots can change
Some things turn your life around
And some things stay the same

Feels like only yesterday
But on the other hand
Feels like a lifetime away
10 years ago today

Sometimes you climb a temporal hill
And look at the view
Landmarks of your lifetime
Laid in front of you

Mountains on the distant horizon
Hilltops of experience rising
Time can be surprising

Was it really really really that long ago?
Was it really really really that long ago?
I remember when I looked forward to...
I can't imagine ever not knowing you
And yet it's true

Was it really really really that long ago?
Was it really really really that long ago?
Feels like only yesterday
But on the other hand
Feels like a lifetime away
10 years ago today

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