

Wobbie Wobbit - FAWM 2016

City Babies

The traffic on the Euston Road is crawling
Commuters make their way home for the night
You shake your umbrella - this weather is appalling
The glass door slides open and you step into the bright, white light

You take the lift
For your 12-hour shift
Help those ladies
Have their babies

So satisfying
You inspiring midwife
When city babies start crying
A siren of life

Its the late night traffic out the window now
The final west end curtain has come down
Up here in Maternity all is peaceful somehow
A glimpse of eternity high above the town

With a grunt and a shout
There's another one out
Tears of joy
For a baby boy

So satisfying
You inspiring midwife
When city babies start crying
A siren of life

6am the Euston Road is straining
Commuters heading back to their routine
You open your umbrella - it's still raining
And step into the morning crowds unseen

Eight new lives
You ushered in last night
City babies
City babies

So satisfying
You inspiring midwife
When city babies start crying
A siren of life

So satisfying
You inspiring midwife
When city babies start crying
A siren of life

Listen to all tracks from Bric-a-Brac

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