
Haringey Sunset

Wobbie Wobbit - Fawm 2013


I'm going to count to 3...
You will begin to feel sleepy...
Slowly sinking into sleep...
1. (1111111111)...
You are feeling sleepy...
2. (2222222222)...
You are not alone...
3. (3333333)... Wake me up when you're done...
4. ...There is no number 4 (?)...

Now I want you to imagine...
That this is working for you...
That I'm not a charleton...
And you can...
Experience an experience...

I'm going to countdown from 3...
You will start to wake up...
Starting to wake up...
4 (44444444)... I told you there is no number 4...
3 (3333333)... you are starting to wake up...
2 (2222222) getting wakier...
1 (1111111) you're awake...

I hope you enjoyed your experience ...
That it was insightful for you...
Listen anytime ...
You want to...

Listen to all tracks from Haringey Sunset

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