
Familiar Surroundings

Wobbie Wobbit - FAWM 2018

Etcetera Earworm Therapy Centre

Do you have an earworm?
An excruciating, infuriating earworm?
Intrusive, compulsive, obsessive, relentless
All consuming, mentally exhausting earworm?

Are you losing sleep?
Are you losing friends?
Are losing your mind?

Call The Etcetera Earworm Therapy Centre today!

You may be asking , is it therapy to CURE earworms, or is it using your earworms as therapy?
WELL. Here at Etc Earworm Therapy Centre we do both!

What do you think that earworm is about?
What triggered that earworm?
Does that song represent a particular time in your life?
How do you feel about that song?

Explore your inner landscape
Understanding your earworm enables you to be free of your earworm

Learn scientific mindfulness techniques and skills
To help manage and improve
Personal coping strategies
And experience better aural hygiene (that's aural with an au)

Do you suffer the agony of an unknown earworm?
You know it, but you can't place it
You've hummed it into shazam
It's not having it!

Etcetara's Earworm database contains over 382,000 earworms
And you will have access to the world's leading Earworm experts to help you identify YOUR earworm!

Left untreated earworms can lead to a slow and traumatic death
Act Now
Before it's too late
Don't resort to dangerous home remedies
Call today for your free Earworm Assessment!

Join our members' exclusive Etcetera earworm forum to share earworm experiences and helpful earworm tips and earworm advice.

Earworm terms and earworm conditions apply

Listen to all tracks from Familiar Surroundings

Drinks & Tips and Worthy Causes

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