
Familiar Surroundings

Wobbie Wobbit - FAWM 2018

No Wonder

I complained I was tired and hungry
And my friend said
Have you eaten?
Did you sleep ok?
Then have some dinner and go to bed.

No wonder
I'm not surprised
It's stating the bleedin' obvious
I shoulda realised
No wonder
What did I expect?
Hindsight's 20/20
In retrospect

I moaned about the state of my finances
I said "blimey I'm skint"
"Have you got any money to spend?"
"Have you been spending it anyway?"
"Well, there's a hint"

no wonder
I'm not surprised
It's stating the bleedin' obvious
I shoulda realised
No wonder
What did I expect?
Hindsight's 20/20
In retrospect

Woke up in the morning
Feeling rough
Then I saw all the empties
Thought fair enough

No wonder
I'm not surprised
It's stating the bleedin' obvious
I shoulda realised
No wonder
What did I expect?
Hindsight's 20/20
In retrospect

I am currently in a state of bewilderment
Like so confused
"Did you see the latest twitterstorm?"
"Did you see the news today?"
"Well then no wonder you're bemused!"

no wonder
I'm not surprised
It's stating the bleedin' obvious
I shoulda realised
No wonder
What did I expect?
Hindsight's 20/20
In retrospect

Listen to all tracks from Familiar Surroundings

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