
Familiar Surroundings

4-track Collaboration - FAWM 2018

This is an actual cassette that was mailed around to four different FAWMers via snail mail. Each person added one track and mailed it to the next person. The song is a mystery to the early participants until it is transferred to computer and mixed by the last person.

The players on this tape are listed below in the order in which they recorded their parts:

Alboe - Bass
Marvsmooth - Guitar
Vom Vorton - Lyrics/Vocals/Glockenspiel
Wobbie Wobbit - Lyrics/Vocals/Mix

Possible Future

Maybe I will leave work early
Head into town
Jump off the train, avoid the rain
And flag a taxi down

Maybe I will find a shop
That’s selling fancy things
And try to find the courage to
Inspect those diamond rings

Perhaps I’ll buy one that I think will suit ya
In this possible future

Hark at you Charlie Big Potatoes
Buy me off with a diamond ring?
You getting paid for that time off?
We can't afford no bling!

Who's paying for this taxi?
You and your fancy frills
Giving it prince charming
How we gonna pay the bills?
Perhaps the chippendales will recruit ya
In this possible future?

(middle bit) Wobbie:
You dont get off that easy Mister
Don't go thinking that I can't resist ya

You wanna make us destitute yeah?
Then what you gonna do in this possible future?

Perhaps I’ll stay at work late
And meet those old deadlines
Park my car so carefully
Avoid those parking fines
But if I find a ticket
Even though I’ve taken care
You will find me on the pavement
Tugging at my hair
And maybe next time I will ride a scooter
In this possible future

Don't go changing the subject matey
These daydreams in your head
A minute ago you you were getting me a ring
Now we got a ticket instead

How's that supposed to help us eh?
Answer me that.
What have you got to say for yourself?
Where's your thinking at?

Come on then tell me..
Hmm nothing eh?... didn't think so..

Listen to all tracks from Familiar Surroundings

Drinks & Tips and Worthy Causes

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