Soup Pie
Wobbie Wobbit - FAWM 2015
Remaster - October 2020Rather Awkward
When I first walked into the hall I didnt like it at all
I'm never comfortable in those places and all those new faces
Looking as I sat on a yoga mat
I didn't like it
I was reticent when he said follow me
And I was hesitant, wished the floor would open up and swallow me
And I felt all eyes on my thunder thighs
I really didn't like it
I'm feeling rather awkward
I'm not feeling like I think I oughta
This is supposed to be relaxing
I'm finding it extremely taxing
My inhibitions are returning
Heart skips a beat stomach churning
He's got us doing this funny breathing
And all this airy fairy stuff I can't believe in
And the mirror on the wall in the hall making me feel uneasy
All the twisting and turning making me feel queasy
Oh please, my knees
I'm feeling rather awkward
I'm not feeling like I think I oughta
This is supposed to be relaxing
Don't know how they don't do their backs in
My inhibitions are returning
Heart skips a beat stomach churning
I've had enough of this funny breathing
I'm going home now that's it I'm leaving
The instructor looks confused and he looks bemused
As I bundle up my bag and my socks and my shoes
But I leave behind my mat, I won't be needing that
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