Peculiar Distractions
Wobbie Wobbit - 5090 2020
Slave To My Amygdala, Mary
Ooh, Mary
It's not my hip that's giving me jip
Oh no!
It's me amygdala, Mary!
Right playing me up it is...
It is...They are.. Whichever way you look at it
For two little almonds in each side of yer brain
They don't half cause a lot of trouble
Only the size of marbles
Oi cheeky never mind my marbles
I'm a slave to my amygdala, Mary
You know that
Too right, Mary!
I know!
Then the hippocampus and hypothalamus have to get involved
All that fight or flight-- oh yeah or freeze
All that adrenaline rushing
All that cortisol gushing
It's scary, Mary!
I'm a slave to my amygdala, Mary
You know that
Too right, Mary!
I know!
Once you get all that firing off down your vagus nerve you're done for
Sends all my organs haywire
And what does my limbic system think of that?
I hate that cortisol - it's so stressy
I like a bit of dopamine me
Nice hit of seretonin
I'm a slave to my amygdala, Mary
You know that
Too right, Mary!
I know!
Never been one for endorphins though
Too much pain involved
Wise words, Mary
Couldn't have said it better myself
You're a right good dosing of oxytocin, Mary
Well yes I will say that
Well it's true
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