Wobbie Wobbit and Georgie Cooper - 5090 2018
Georgie Cooper: Lyrics/Vocals/Drums/Guitar
Wobbie Wobbit: Lyrics/Vocals/Bass
In my dreams I’m a superhero with my trusty sidekick
What a team we have no fear oh we are quite slick
Bleepy diddly beep! Incoming! Incoming!
I’m getting a signal we’re getting the call
We better go quickly and defend us all
This is a job for...da da da da da da
We are superheroes off to save the day
We’re going to fight the baddies gonna make ‘em pay
Bam! Boom! Crack! Thwack!
Crunch! Punch! Smack! Attack!
Bang! Oof! Ow! Kapow!
Watch us go - wow!!
Crash! Zing! Splat! Slam!
Whoosh! Arghhh! Zap! Kablam!
Woo hoo hoo with my cool Kung fu
Ooh hold on a minute I need the loo
Why do you always need the loo?
I don’t know
We're supposed to be saving the world
I can't find a good one...
But wait! Wait!
Bleepy diddly beep! Incoming! Incoming!
I’m just getting a message through from the U.N.
There’s a nuclear war, the world’s gonna end!
Koreans, Americans, dastardly Russians
And the bastardly British all pressing their buttons
Hurry! Hurry! there’s no time to lose
The world needs us now we cannot refuse...
This is a job for.....da da da da da da da
We are superheroes off to save the day
We’re going to fight the baddies gonna make ‘em pay
Bam! Boom! Crack! Thwack!
Crunch! Punch! Smack! Attack!
Bang! Oof! Ow! Kapow!
Watch us go - wow!!
Crash! Zing! Splat! Slam!
Whoosh! Arghhh! Zap! Kablam!
Woo hoo hoo with my cool Kung fu
Ooh hold on I need the loo again
Again? Really?
There's no toilet paper
No door on this one
Who are all these people?
I can’t go in front of them
Quick pull your pants up!
Bleepy diddly beep! Incoming! Incoming!
There’s a UFO approaching over America
There's aliens here and everyone's hysterical
A spaceship has landed on the Whitehouse roof
They’re zapping the crowds with their ray guns - poof!
Pew-pew! Pew! Pew-pew!
Only we can save us! To the rescue!
This is a job for...da da da da da da
We are superheroes off to save the day
We’re going to fight the baddies gonna make ‘em pay
Bam! Boom! Crack! Thwack!
Crunch! Punch! Smack! Attack!
Bang! Oof! Ow! Kapow!
Watch us go - wow!!
Crash! Zing! Splat! Slam!
Whoosh! Arghhh! Zap! Kablam!
Woo hoo hoo with my cool Kung fu
Ooh hold on I need the loo
You really pick your moments...
I can't help it
I think I need to wake up
Before I wet the bed
Listen to all tracks from Figments
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