Jibber Jabber
Wobbie Wobbit - NaSoAlMo 2013
I've got a pound in my pocket!
Gonna spend it all on sweets
Yeah, I've got a pound in my pocket!
Gonna spend it on some tasty treats
I head down to the sweet shop
The one with the big glass jars
Cos they sell practically everything
From candy canes to chocolate bars
They've got sweets of every colour
Oranges reds and blues
And I've got a pound in my pocket
But now, which sweets shall I choose?
Crunchy ones or munchy ones
Or chewy ones or gooey ones
The gummy ones are yummy ones
And the zingy zangy tangy ones
Cola bottles plain or fizzy
All the choice is making me dizzy
I've got a pound in my pocket
Gonna spend it all on sweets!
Whoosh! the Aroma hits me
As I burst in through the door
Jars and jars of everything
From the ceiling to the floor
Toffee, fudge, and butterscotch
Gobstoppers, mints and licorice
Rhubarb and custard
Banana, pear and peach
So many different flavours
I want one of each
Crunchy ones and munchy ones
And chewy ones and gooey ones
The gummy ones are yummy ones
And the zingy zangy tangy ones
Cola bottles plain and fizzy
All the choice is making me dizzy
I've got a pound in my pocket
Gonna spend it all on sweets!
Lollipops and rainbow drops
And candy floss and stuff that pops
Toffee squares and cola cubes
And gummy bears and smartie tubes
Flying saucers sherbet dib dabs
Jelly snakes, fruit salad, black jacks
They've even got some false teeth
That you can eat so I got
Crunchy ones and munchy ones
And chewy ones and gooey ones
The gummy ones are yummy ones
And the zingy zangy tangy ones
Cola bottles plain and fizzy
All these sweets will make me dizzy
I had a pound in my pocket
And I spent it all on sweets!
So I head back home again paper bag in hand
Brimming full of sweeties, just like I planned
My dentist will not like it
I'll brush twice as long tonight
And I'll invite some friends round
Cos I know what's right
So come on round to my house
Cos I've got sweets to spare
Cos I had a pound in my pocket
And now I've got sweets to share!
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