
Pleasing People

This was written as a Personalised Song Bespoke commission.

"Set Wobbie Wobbit the challenge of writing me a 25 year anniversary song in less that a week. Couldn’t have been more happy with the results. Performed the song to husband, family and friends at our party, everyone loved it! This is a truly unique gift that will never be forgotten." - Lizzie Bloom

Wobbie Wobbit - 50/90 2019

True Love's Bloom

I saw your ad in the Lonely Hearts section
I wrote hi I'm Lizzie can we make a connection
Let’s go to restaurants maybe catch some gigs
Do you like this paper with the flying pigs?
And you wrote back and asked me for a date
And it felt so great I could hardly wait

Maybe we'll get married you and I
Maybe those pigs will fly
Maybe we could be bride and groom
Maybe we will see true love’s bloom

I was lucky to pass the first test I would have failed on
If only you realised where I hailed from
Letters from those in Essex couldn’t win
Yeah letters from those in Essex went straight in the bin< Cos though I lived in Kilburn I am Essex born and bred
Eventually when I told you your face turned beetroot red

But soon we were married you and I
Soon we were married, those pigs can fly
Soon we were bride and groom
Soon we saw true love’s bloom
True love’s bloom
Mr and Mrs Bloom

We have quite different personalities
You're so laid back and I’m full of worries
We are quite different you and me
I work 4 jobs you like to work from 10 till 3
Isn't it funny how life unfurls
Now we have 3 bookshops and 3 gorgeous girls

25 years married you and I
25 years watch those pigs fly
25 years since we were bride and groom
25 years of true love's bloom

True love's bloom
Mr and Mrs Bloom
True love's bloom
Mr and Mrs Bloom

25 years married you and I
25 years watch those pigs fly
25 years since we were bride and groom
25 years of true love's bloom

True love's bloom
Mr and Mrs Bloom

Listen to all tracks from Pleasing People

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