
Me and Them Others

Wobbie Wobbit - 50/90 2015

Stunt-double: Georgie (www.georgiedan.com)


My double bass is dusty
But I can dust it off
My vocal chords are crusty
And I need a good cough
My melodica smells musty
But it'll soon get blown
Even though I'm rusty
I'll get by with a trusty

Menthol, peppermint and myrrh
Are in the lozenges to which I refer
"Helps keep a clear voice"
They're my throat pastille of choice

I can sing high
I can sing low
Find the places
I can go
If I don't try
I'll never know
Go through the paces

Oh do so do
De re mi fa so la ti do

May Me Mi Mo Moo
Ha ha ha ha
He he he he

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper
Red lorry yellow lorry
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck
could chuck wood?

Menthol, peppermint and myrrh
Are the lozenges I prefer
"Helps keep a clear voice"
They're my throat pastille of choice

My timekeeping is wonky
A bit here and there
My fingerwork is kronky
But I won't despair
My playing's pretty plonky
But I will not moan

Even though I'm rusty
I'll get by with a trusty

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