
Lockdown Days

Wobbie Wobbit - FAWM 2021


Collaboration with @fuzzy.
lyrics - fuzzy and wobbie
music/electric ukelele/vocals - fuzzy
bass/vocals - wobbie

Climate Change is a hoax
So is Covid, both sick jokes
All Big Pharma is an evil creation
Beware Bill Gates! - microchip vaccination

5G towers will spell our doom
They shoot out Covid in a deadly spume
This must be the explanation
virus mutation by radiation

Wake up sheeple and open your eyes
Lizards live among us in human disguise
Wake up sheeple and open your mind
Do your research on youtube and don’t be so blind

The earth is flat I’m sure you’ll agree
Isn’t it great to have a mind that’s free?
No one’s landed on the moon
The truth of that will come out soon.

Don’t believe the lies you’re told
Keanu Reeves is a thousand years old
You hear about Disney’s frozen head
And all these years Paul McCartney has been dead

Wake up sheeple and open your eyes
Lizards live among us in human disguise
Wake up sheeple and open your mind
Do your research on youtube and don’t be so blind

Q-anon said Hillary ate a baby!
Time to storm the capitol maybe?
The truth in reality is dark n indeed ya
Won’t find it mentioned in the mainstream media

Don’ t fall for illuminati mind control
World domination is their ultimate goal
This is the great reset!
Agenda 21!
Listen to David Icke!
It’s a Plandemic!
A Scamdemic!
Area 51!
False Flag attacks
Aliens built the pyramids
It all adds up!
Makes a lot of sense when you really think about it

Listen to all tracks from Lockdown Days

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