
Familiar Surroundings

Wobbie Wobbit and Friends- FAWM 2018

13 songs and collaborations written for Fawm 2018 (FAWM.org).

Featuring the lyrics of Elizabeth Petty on Harriet's Chariot and three 4-track cassette tape collaborations, Stranger Things, Automatic Friend, and Possible Future. Also another collab with Georgie Cooper, M25.

Listen to the album on the player or follow links below for individual tracks with lyrics.

Etcetera Earworm Therapy Centre
My Dad Was Cars
Big Ben
Winter Olympics
M25 (Ft. Georgie Cooper)
Harriet's Chariot (Lyrics: Elizabeth Petty)
Automatic Friend (4-track)
No Wonder
Sunday Ikea Breakfast
Stranger Things (4-track)
Possible Future (4-track)
Company of You

4-track collaborators:

Automatic Friend
@zecoop - GEM Sprinter combo organ
@marvsmooth - Electric guitar
@wobbiewobbit - Double bass
@vomvorton - Vocals and fuzz guitar

Stranger Things
@Alboe - Bass guitar
@vomvorton - Synths
@fourzeroes - Lyrics/Vocals
@wobbiewobbit - Guitar

Possible Future
@Alboe - Bass
@Marvsmooth - Guitar
@vomvorton - Lyrics/Vocals/Glockenspiel
@wobbiewobbit - Lyrics/Vocals

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