Mish Mash
Wobbie Wobbit - FAWM 2014
Ikea Dream
Video now available.
We could get this Skogaby sofa
When we share a flat in Camden
We could get these Sedlig spoons
(i know that that's a little bit random)
This Duken double bed is very comfy
I like that Skogen cushion
We need a Billy bookcase and Besta cupboard
Whose doors open when you push em
When we share a flat in Camden
Overlooking the lock
Stir-fried noodles and bang bang chicken
We won't even have to cook
Look at that massive Pax wardrobe
We definitely need one of those
What with living in Camden
We're sure to buy loads of clothes
What about this Tisdag reading lamp
On the Tarva bedside tables
And think of all the other lovely stuff
That we're going to buy from the Stables
Lustifik rack for our Dr Martens
Leksvik hooks for our Harrington Jackets
Borgsjo desk for the mac
And a Linjal shelf with the Ekby Man brackets
We'll need this ENASTÃ…ENDE Dishwasher
Cos we'll always be too busy
Hey have a spin on this Markus swivel chair
Oh no now I'm dizzy...
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